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The Moneywise Empowerment Tour will visit Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church located at 750 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146.

The Moneywise Empowerment Tour is the national outreach program of the Moneywise with Kelvin Boston public television series. This grass root traveling money management seminar has become one of the leading African American Faith Based financial tours in the country, serving more than 35,000 minority consumers and military members in the United States. In 2012 the Moneywise Empowerment Tour will visit churches in sixteen cities, including Los Angeles, CA, Philadelphia, PA, Atlanta, GA, Oakland, CA, and Washington, DC.

“The work that Kelvin is doing with the Moneywise Empowerment Tour is exactly what is needed to help our community address their financial education and counseling needs,” says Rev. Lillian Smith, Senior Pastor of the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church.

This October 6, 2012 seminar will feature national speakers Kelvin Boston, best-selling author and host of the Moneywise TV series; Robert Ferguson, MS, CN author of “Diet-Free for Life”; Ken Brown motivational speaker and author of “L.I.F.E. Living In Freedom Everyday”; Nat Alston, Former President of the National Association of Human Resource Professionals: and Stellar Gospel Award nominated recording artist Doreen Vail. 

The daylong (9 AM to 5 PM) seminar will also feature results-oriented workshops: overcoming financial stress, becoming debt free, increasing your saving and investments, understanding new housing programs, how to find a job online, living a diet-free life, protecting your retirement and estate, the steps to starting a business. This wealth-building seminar will provide attendees the opportunity to engage representatives from community based non-profits, governmental agencies and local financial services companies. There is no charge to attend the Moneywise seminar, which includes refreshments and live musical entertainment.

“I am glad that the Moneywise Empowerment Tour is able to partner with Tindley Temple United Methodist Church”, said Kelvin Boston.  “The African American Church will play an important role in securing Black America’s economic future.” In spite of the recession, we still have financial and human capital to protect, save and invest”, he continued. This valuable seminar will be held from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church located on 750 South Broad Street In Philadelphia, PA. Space is limited. Attendees can registrar by phone by calling 215-735-0442 or online at www.moneywise.tv/empowerment-tour.

The national Moneywise Empowerment Tour is sponsored in part by the FDIC, New York Life Insurance Company, SCORE, the Moneywise Foundation, Operation Hope, and the US Black Chamber of Commerce.

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